Hands-on Activity 1: Install and configure your repository in Local Git

This activity demonstrates how to create a local git repository. It also discusses basic tracking of files through commits.


  • Create a git repository locally and emphasize the use of Git in your local project in a CI/CD environment.


1) Install bash and vim.

localhost:~# apk add bash
localhost:~# apk add vim

2) Install git.

localhost:~# apk add git

3) Create activity1 directory.

localhost:~# mkdir activity1

4) Initialize activity1 as git repository.

localhost:~# cd activity1/
localhost:~/activity1# git init

5) Created and added README.md.

localhost:~/activity1# git add README.md

6) Commit README.md on the master branch.

localhost:~/activity1# git commit -m "First Commit"